WHIP (Women's Health Information Project) at CMU, 1977

The above are 1977 Channel 9&10 News mages of the CMU unit of WHIP, the Women's Health Information Project, a national organization. The CMU unit of WHIP, established in 1971. provided information, referrals, and confidential peer counseling for women in the areas of health and sexuality, including rape and self-help. WHIP did not provide birth control, recommending women see a proper health authority. 29 women and a man served as WHIP counselors in 1977, each with an area of specialty. WHIP had an information resource center in the basement of the UC and an office in Health Services. In the Fall of 1976 WHIP offered 50 information sessions on health care and sexuality. Jackie Kasouff, then a senior from Lansing, was one of the Project Coordinators in 1977. In March 1977 WHIP and the U Health Services co-sponsored the 4th annual health fair. 5,000 people attended. During the three days of the fair people's blood types were tested, they received eye and hearing tes...