Teaching and Archives rock!

My teaching podium and the tech
Class view 1
and 2.
When I think of  what the UM classrooms were like when I was in college in my youth I have to laugh. We had blackboards, pencil sharpeners and desks, just like my K-12 classrooms. I remember 2 classes where they used slides and projectors, 1 of which was art history. These were not digital slides or powerpoints. And in chemistry lecture there was a sink and area where the prof demonstrated what happened when you mixed chemicals. That was it. 

Since I opted to teach HST 583 as hybrid again due to space issues in the Clarke and ongoing COVID-19, I am teaching in Pearce Hall. My classroom is one the three most technically advanced classrooms on campus. This is where I taught last year. It has 4 mikes, 2 cameras, many huge monitors, lots of tech.  There is a large monitor over each of the 9 tables, and an even larger one on each wall. I am in the middle of the room. I've also learned after the tech issues last year, like the university server shutting down completely during the second night of class and freaking us all out, to go with the flow. If I'm trying to do something like switch into breakout rooms and the tech is not cooperating, I just skip it and try again next week. And next week it will work.  

When I think of all the changes that have happened and all the skills I have learned just since COVID hit, it is mind blowing. At first doing all this was very intimidating and time consuming, but now I feel empowered!!!   Teaching and archives rock! 


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