Katie Higley a McNair Scholar

Katie Higley is my film processing student and a McNair Scholar. I'm really proud of her. It is already clear that she is a mover and shaker in the field. While processing Channel 9&10 News Film in the Clarke, she became interested in which museums have films and what, if anything, they do with the films for public programming, such as featuring them in exhibits.  With little written on the topic, she decided to explore the topic. With our mentoring, she created a survey, analyzed, and reported the results. I encourage my interns and students to write in MAA newsletters and deliver poster presentations at conferences, especially now with many online the cost and time necessary is minimal. Katie has done this and is also aiming for a publication in a professional academic journal.

Without a Ph.D. I can't be one of her official mentors for the project, like professors Brit Fremion and Kevin Corbet, but I contributed significantly unofficially. This has happened before with a number of students I mentored and supported including for thesis and dissertations. This doesn't stop me mentoring students to help them find their path in life. The photographer took some fun photos of us in the film processing room in all its multifunctional messy glory (photos above). It's amazing what you can do in a storage area when you have the will to do it.

Here is the link to her project on the McNair website. https://www.cmich.edu/ess/oss/McNairScholars/Pages/Katie-Higley.aspx


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