Clare County Sheriff Patrol meeting in Harrison, MI, Oct. 26, 1977

Also from fall 1977 Channel 9 & 10 film are images of a meeting of the Clare County Sheriff Patrol officers and staff, including 2 female police officers, in Harrison, MI. All we have from the 9&10 film crew's notes is the date, October 26, 1977. The rest we gleaned from watching the film news footage. If you recognize anyone, please let me know and I'll add their names to the film description.  I love the Clare County Sheriff patrol vehicle (a Chevy blazer) still decorated with its 1976 bicentennial red, white, and blue patriotic ribbon trim. The colored, hard plastic chairs I remember from el and middle school. The windows behind the vehicle match the windows in one of the interior shots. 

This is the sheriff. Behind him on the locker is a sign that reads "Keep Smiling."


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