for Memorial Day - A Civil War soldier hero who Skedaddled and survived Andersonville

This entry began because of a word but fits in wonderfully with Memorial Day. There are some words that always make me smile, and "Skedaddled" is one of them. I found "Skedaddled" while processing a small collection of Civil War letters, 1861-1862, from Charles Nelson to his uncle, Sam French. "Skedaddled" is an informal way of saying "ran away." You can see "Skedaddled" in the top image, 2 lines of penmanship above the pencil. Charley wrote letters typical for a Civil War soldier, about battles, marching, camp life, fighting and killing rebs or rebels (Confederates), the weather, and he missed and that he wanted news of family. He was literate and had legible penmanship. Half of his letters are partial, pages are now missing. It is clear he was fond of his uncle. Battles Charly describes in his letters include 1st Bull Run, Williamsburg, and Fredericksburg. Below is a transcription of the letter in which he wrote about how he and ...