SAA groups seek to mentor early-career members


As a new archivist there are times when you think what is this or what is the best way to handle this situation (see photo)? With its online conferences and meetings, desired, participation from brand new archivists and students, and now mentoring, SAA is providing more meaningful opportunities for students and new archivists than it did when I began my career, which is wonderful. And the online conferences makes attending and participating a much more feasible option for those with less time, funding, or who have commitments so they cannot leave home for a week, which is also fantastic. I am now in my second year as a SAA mentor for an individual new member or conference attendee, but the option below is a wonderful opportunity to connect with professional in SAA groups, with a specific area/function of interest to you. I encourage participation in this group-specific mentoring.

SAA's appointed groups are now seeking to mentor early-career members! Students and new professionals (with three or fewer years of experience in the profession) are encouraged to apply for this unique mentoring and leadership development experience.

SAA's appointed groups-committees, subcommittees, boards, and working groups-advise the SAA Council on various issues and aspects of the profession. Each of the ten early-career member positions available will provide a unique opportunity to see the inner workings of these groups and contribute to important work on behalf of SAA and the profession.

Our early-career members work directly with the appointed group, participating in all meetings as well as assisting with special projects, research, or administrative tasks, when applicable. These early-career member positions are an excellent professional service opportunity that support SAA's core values and our commitment to "providing an open, inclusive, and collaborative environment" for all of our members.

Early-career members will be assigned to an SAA group for a one-year term, from August 2021 through the 2022 Annual Meeting. Group chairs and early-career members will be asked to complete evaluation forms at the end of the term.


Deadline: Friday, June 4

SAA Headquarters
Society of American Archivists
(866) 722-7858


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