Clarke film processing student Kenndall Wallace


Hello! My name is Kenndall Wallace. I’m a junior at CMU studying Media Arts and Art History, and in the future, I hope to write for television and stage productions. I’ve been a student film archival assistant for about two years now at the Clarke, and I’ve loved the experience! This year, I got to watch some pretty cool Channel  & 10 News reels using the Moviescop. Some of the footage I saw that particularly stuck with me this year included forest fires, golf commercials from the 70s, and Olympics athletes. I really enjoy being able to view and describe the reels we have in our collection, because it inspires me as a writer and intrigues me as an art historian. I spent a lot of time this year fixing up older reels instead of creating new ones– which I especially enjoyed, because it meant that I got to see older footage.  (One of the reels I worked on was actually recorded before my mom was born!) This summer, I’ll be studying art history in Italy, practicing my writing, and staying at the O'Neill Playwright’s Conference as an O'Neill resident. I’m excited for the next school year, so I can continue working at the Clarke!

Marian note: I'm grateful for Kenndall  processing and describing film, but I also want to give her a shout out for having more writing accomplishments. Kenndall won a Nathan Louis Jackson Playwriting award for her debut full-length "To Cry Into Sand." The Nathan Louis Jackson Playwriting Awards are typically awarded to playwrights of color who have written outstanding family dramas.  This was the first year this award was handed out, and Kenndall was one of the  two recipients.


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