Kenndall Wallace is the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival Region 3 John Cauble One Act Play Regional Finalist

Once again, I'm very proud to post about CMU junior Kenndall Wallace and her awesome playwriting accomplishments. In January Kenndall (pictured above third from right) again attended the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival Region 3 in Flint. She was the KCACTF, John Cauble One Act Play Regional Finalist for her play “Momma’s Boy.” Kenndall thought it was a great experience. She gets feedback from the actors performing her play. From the Writers Guild she learned a lot about writing style and tailoring material for specific audiences and that you don't always get the audience you want. Next year when a senior, Kenndall hopes to participate with a two-act play. She received a lot of advice in Flint about how to approach writing a two-act play. An established playwright encouraged Kenndall to continue forward, to submit plays to theatres, and to be find ways to continue practice writing free-lance on the side while pursuing full time work as a playwright. When Kenndall isn't writing awesome award-winning plays, she is processing and describing film in the Clarke Historical Library and studying at CMU. 


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