Through generous donations from the Mysel family, the non-profit Film Noir Foundation established in 2015 The Nancy Mysel Legacy Grant, a $5,000 grant to be awarded annually to university students in film restoration/preservation studies.  The grant is named in honor of the late Nancy Mysel, a superb film preservationist for UCLA Film & Television Archive, who supervised the FNF restorations of The Prowler and Cry Danger, but who lost a long-running battle with cancer in 2012 at the age of 45.

Eddie Muller, FNF founder and president, says, “I can’t overstate how essential Nancy was to our success.  Her commitment to the highest level of restoration set an immense standard, which she challenged everyone to meet – including us. …  The best way we can honor her legacy is by ensuring that everything we do in the future measures up to her incredible standard of excellence.”

Through the non-profit's charitable adjunct, the FNF is proud to carry on Nancy’s work by assisting a future film preservationist with their studies.  To apply for the grant, the FNF simply asks for student applicants to submit a personal essay answering the following questions: 1. What do you hope to accomplish with a career in film restoration/preservation?  2. Why do you feel you have an aptitude for film restoration/ preservation work?  3. What related film preservation experience have you had and what impact has it had on you?  4. How will you use the $5,000 FNF- Nancy Mysel Legacy Grant grant funding?

The DEADLINE is Friday Dec. 16, 2022

All details can be found on The Nancy Mysel Legacy Grant page on the FNF's website:


Please share this grant information with your colleagues and students.  Students who applied last year, but did not win, can reapply.  We're so looking forward to your participation in this process.  Please encourage anyone with questions to contact Daryl directly.  

Daryl Sparks

Promotional Director

Associate Producer

Film Noir Foundation



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