CMU Theatre poster


We recently received a CMU Theatre poster with an unusual silver, reflective background.  As you turn it  in and out of the light, the faces on the poster fade in and out of the silver. This is the only background like this  in our CMU poster collection. The poster advertises an Edward Albee play, A Delicate Balance, which was performed in Bush Theatre during December in a year yet to be identified. I'm thinking it was sometime from the early to mid-1980s based on the men's hairstyles. CMLife reports that the play was performed in spring 1974, but does not mention later productions. Hopefully CMU Theatre can help me date it. Albee was an award winning American playwright. Among his notable works are The Sandbox (1959), Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?(1962) and A Delicate Balance (1966). 


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