Art 341 Bibliographic Instruction session

The academic term is now in full force. I have completed my first bibliographic instruction session of the term for Art 341, on the topic of the history of photography, in which I discussed a number of historic photographic processes and provided the students with context, instructions for holding and using the materials, an overview of the Clarke, its collections, and researcher procedures and policies. Several students were interested in returning to see and use more of the collections! And I taught some archivist tricks to identify photographic processes to the professor. Here are a few examples of what the students saw. First an autochrome glass slide of a garden, 1907- the color process was invented by the Lumiere Bros in the 19th. century. Next the materials for the class on the cart. A lovely girl in a daguerreotype, probably 1850s or '60s. Her jewelry is tinted. Lastly 1926 blueprint of Warriner Hall. It's been a busy week.


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