NEDCC Preservation Assistance Grants for Smaller Institutions


from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

NEH Preservation Assistance Grants (PAG) help small and mid-sized institutions—such as libraries, museums, historical societies, archival repositories, cultural organizations, town, city, and county records offices, and colleges and universities—improve their ability to preserve and care for their significant humanities collections.

Humanities collections may include special collections of books and journals, archives and manuscripts, prints and photographs, moving images, sound recordings, architectural and cartographic records, decorative and fine art objects, textiles, archaeological and ethnographic artifacts, furniture, historical objects, and digital materials.

DEADLINE: January 13, 2022

Award Amount: Up to $10,000 ($15,000 for projects related to the “A More Perfect Union” initiative)

Eligible Activities for NEH PAG Grants include:

- General Preservation Assessments
- Consultations with preservation professionals to address a specific issue, need, or problem. 
- Purchase of storage furniture and preservation supplies
- Purchase of environmental monitoring equipment
- Preservation education and training 
- Certain preservation activities in federally-declared disaster areas  

Why Apply for the NEH Preservation Assistance Grant?

- PAG funding can jumpstart your preservation program with a Preservation Needs Assessment. Need a roadmap? Start here!
- Develop your staff and volunteer skills by using grant funds to attend existing trainings or to develop a custom on-site workshop with an expert.
- Get your digital collections on the right track with a PAG-funded digital preservation assessment.
- A PAG-funded Preservation Needs Assessment can lay the groundwork for more funding in the future.
- The easy grant application is a great way for small organizations to gain confidence in grant writing.

COMPLETE Information and NEH Preservation Assistance Grants Guidelines


Join us at 12:30 on November 12 or 18, 2021 for NEDCC’s FREE webinar: 
“Writing your Preservation Assistance Grant,” offering advice on preparing your grant narrative and making the case for your project, as well as getting requisite information from consultants.

See our Current Programs List to register.

INTERESTED in Working with NEDCC to Develop a PAG Project?

NEDCC can provide assessments and consultations on a wide variety of preservation, conservation, digitization, and audio preservation issues, as well as preservation assessments and collection assessments.  Customized training programs and consultations are available. 


Feel free to contact us to start the planning process.
Email: or call (978) 470-1010


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