MSU Libraries visiting scholars program


Michigan State University Libraries is now accepting applications for visiting scholars for the summer of 2025. Our Visiting Scholars program welcomes researchers at all levels to make use of our world-class collections related to (but not limited to) popular culture, comics, rare books, Africana, LGBTQ activism, Michigan writers, cookery and foodways, as well as both the radical left and right.

 Please consult our collections and MSU’s University Archives and Historical Collections for more information on MSU’s unique holdings.

 How to Apply

Our special collections travel grants all share the same eligibility requirements and follow a shared timeline. See the bottom of the page for details on specific travel grant criteria.


Open to applicants from all nationalities.

Non-U.S. citizens are required to obtain a J-1 visa if accepted.

Applicants must be at least 50 miles from East Lansing.

Any researcher, including undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, artists, activists, or independent researchers may apply.

Current or incoming MSU students are not eligible.

Projects can be academic, journalistic, or creative.


Applications open on November 1, 2024.

Applications are due by February 1, 2025.

Notifications will be sent by March 15, 2025.

Residency period and award may be used between Monday, May 5, 2025 and Friday, August 15, 2025.

 Plan to submit:

-Cover letter

-Curriculum vitae of no more than four pages -Description of research topic, its significance, and specific materials within University Archives and Historical Collections and/or the Murray and Hong Special Collections to be used (500 word maximum).

-Description or preliminary list of collections and materials you hope to consult.

-First and second choice of dates in residence. On-site research period must run for a minimum of five (5) consecutive business days between May 5 and August 15. Please note: our summer reading room hours are Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm.

-One letter of support from a professional and/or academic reference speaking to the value of your project and the quality of your work. Letters of support can be submitted with the application or separately to the same email address. If letter will be submitted separately, please supply name and email of individual.

 Email submission as a single PDF to

 Specific Travel Grant Opportunities

Special Collections Research Fellowship

This fellowship is open to all researchers whose work would benefit from onsite access to our special collections, including materials held in the Stephen O. Murray and Keelung Hong Special Collections as well as those held in University Archives and Historical Collections. $3,000 will be awarded per recipient to prioritize research and make available the use of our world-class collections.

 Lesbian Legacies Endowed Research Fellowship Established by Purple, a group of Lansing friends who engage in community activism, the Lesbian Legacies: Amazon Cultural/Political Activism in the Second Wave Feminism Endowment, provides $3,000 to support researchers working in the field of LGBTQ+ studies, including lesbian and gay movements.

 Questions about the award or application should be directed to the Visiting Scholars committee:


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