CMU Artificial Intelligence Symposium


CMU held an AI Symposium last Friday. Here are some quotes that resonated with me. 

AI isn’t coming for your job, but someone who works w AI is.

AI can’t replace hands on learning experience, such as labs & [archival] internships. [Yeah! This is so good for me and my archival internships!]

Librarians need to be involved as digital experts.

About Student AI equity concerns: CMU Student already have access to AI in Adobe and Firefox and, soon, Ultra Blackboard. We are not [yet all] teaching them about and how to use AI, that is the equity problem. We must interact w tools & figure out how to teach students to use them to elevate our understanding & use.

Conversations within departments about how faculty were thinking about AI and using it was not as helpful or as expansive as conversing w faculty from other depts using it and thinking about it in totally different ways.


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