Mi winter activities in January 1976 on Channel 9 & 10 News

Michigan's weather has been insane this week with drastic changes from 74 degrees here Tues. to tornados and freezing cold Weds. Recently my student Max and I processed and described a reel#180 of Channel 9 & 10 News from January 1976. Below are some still images of snowy scenes reminding us of how much the winter weather has changed since then. 

The reel started with a Coast Guard Icebreaker breaking up ice near the Soo. This year the Great Lakes never froze over completely. The first three images below are from a segment titled Governor's Cup Ski Race at Crystal Mountain Jan. 17, 1976. Then we have two general snowy MI scenes, unidentified, which is not uncommon. Then we have what is described as Sault Ste Marie Bowl/Bowling in snow, Jan. 17, 1976, although they are not bowling. We could not figure out what they were really doing. Next are four images of snowmobiling at Tahquamenon Falls. This entire segment, Snowmobile #182 Jan. 2, 1976, has red dye deterioration damage. So, no, that is not blood on the snow. Last is a car race on the ice, with lots of cars parked on the ice, at Tip-UP  Town, Houghton Lake, Jan. 17-19, 1976. In recent years due to the the lack of ice and snow, many of the traditional events there have been cancelled. 


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