Hope College has posted a Collections Archivist position, see https://jobs.hope.edu/postings/2082. This is an 11 month, non-tenure track faculty position
Today is my 25th work year anniversary. I don't think anyone knows it but me. On July 5, 1996 I parked in the small lot west of Park Library and took the elevator to 4th floor. I had just cracked my windshield and was so embarrassed about it. My desk was in a work room with a kitchen where everyone ate, no privacy at all. My first job with a few students was processing Senator Griffin's 400 cubic foot collection. I had a brand new, huge computer that wasn't plugged in yet. It took up most of my desk space. When I taught Lib 197 we did so in a room where only I had a computer. My job has morphed so much since then. I am grateful for all the positives over the years and through my various jobs. Mostly it's been good. I try to learn from the good and the bad. I thank God for this job and the interesting work I've done, and mostly for my amazing students throughout the years, and all the wonderful people on and off campus I've met and collaborated with and been pri...
Hello! I'm Brandon Horn, a senior at Central Michigan University (CMU) studying Social Science with one more semester to go in my undergrad. During my two-month tenure over the summer, I processed CMU Athletics files, meticulously cataloging and preserving important historical documents and records. This involved examining a variety of materials, from game statistics, photographs, and event programs to media questionnaires, assisting Marian Matyn in ensuring they were accurately documented and stored from where they were previously in the Athletics Department's basement. Additionally, I played a crucial role in organizing and creating digital finding aids for these collections to help future researchers easily locate each item. I was drawn to archival work because it allows me to connect with the past in a tangible way that tells an important part of CMU's storied past. Each document, photograph, and artifact captures a moment frozen in time, reflecting the experienc...
We have a new staff technical position in the Clarke Historical Library, the Archives & Reference Specialist. The person will work approximately 1/3 of their time with me processing and approximately 2/3 of their time with Bryan assisting with reference and outreach services. Applicants must apply on the CMU Jobs page by August 19, 2024. See https://www.jobs.cmich.edu/postings/41105.
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