AuSable Canoe Race Marathon, 1974


Recently we processed Channel 9 & 10 Film Reel #155. The second splice of the reel includes a section called Canoe Race July 29, 1974. I figured that had to be the AuSable Canoe Race Marathon. It features two sections of film showing a team paddling canoe #24. So I looked that up in the official results and found out that this is film of Claude and Serge Corbin from Quebec finishing in second place in 1974. Here is the description: 

Man in shorts getting out of racing canoe #24. Two men interviewed on pier. Men paddling racing canoes. / Canadian flag. The same men from the interview pull up to the docks in canoe #24 and get out, greeted by woman wearing a crown (Miss Grayling?) and another woman in sash (the runner up?)  holding a bottle of champagne. (We also added a link to the official results list.)

Unfortunately the cameramen were behind the women to film the canoe as it arrived, so there are no views of the women's faces. Does anyone know who Miss Grayling and the runner up in 1974 were? 

The two images of the film in this blog posting are from my camera. We view the film by projecting it onto a wall. 


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