FYI Scottish music orgns and enthusiasts


Organisations which hold collections of audio recordings of Scottish traditional music are invited to submit their details for inclusion in the Scottish Traditional Music Archive Directory. 

Scottish Traditional Music Archive Directory 

The Traditional Music Forum (TMF) is developing a Directory of organisations inside and outside of Scotland with collections of Scottish traditional music as part of our work towards a Scottish Traditional Music Archive. 

The Directory will act as a signpost to help people interested in Scottish traditional music identify pertinent collections, contact collection holders, and make links between material.  

We seek to include the broad range of traditional music found in and coming from Scotland, including traditional music made by people who have come to Scotland and by those who have moved away.  

Listings for every collection holder will include a brief overview of organisational information, contact details, and relevant collections. The Directory will also be searchable by topics such as the region collections are from, the periods they were made in, and the instruments they contain. It will be free and publicly available via a website and downloadable file. 

Call for Organisations 

Organisations which hold collections of Scottish traditional music recordings are invited to submit their details for inclusion in the Directory. Respondents may complete a downloadable table (available here) and return it via email to, or submit their details via an online form (available here). 

While the Directory is not currently able to accept responses from private individuals, we hope to be able to include these in the near future. Further updates will be available on the TMF website

Responses are requested by Friday 13 October to enable the Directory to launch later in the autumn. 

For further information please contact the Archive Researcher via

Traditional Music Forum 

The TMF is a national network of traditional music organisations and individuals covering every aspect of traditional music in Scotland. The TMF aims to develop, sustain, support and maximise the potential of traditional music in Scotland.  

The TMF is one of the Forums brought together by Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland (TRACS), a co-operative network which champions our shared traditions of music, song, storytelling, dance, crafts, customs and local languages. TRACS empowers communities across Scotland to discover, develop and practise their unique traditional arts and heritage in the context of our daily lives. 

Ruth Salter

Archive Researcher
Traditional Music Forum


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