Packing the last of CMU. Athletics' physical historical records cache

Yesterday my students, Rebekah and Natalie, and I had quite an experience. We loaded my car with 100 flattened cubic foot boxes. We drove them to the Athletics complex and unloaded and made them into boxes. With help from four of the Athletics staff and students we moved the boxes down three levels to what was a handball court, now a storage room. The elevator only goes down one level. We then started boxing file cabinets and a table full of CMU Athletics' student athlete folders and photographs. It was hot and humid with no air flow. We packed about 25 cubic feet. We could not pack everything because three cabinets remain locked. While one is missing a drawer, the rest are completely full of records. Once those cabinets are unlocked, the Athletics students will pack their contents. Eventually, Facilities Management will move all those boxes to the Clarke. Yippee for collaboration. Everyone did a great job. This is the last of Athletics' historical physical records cache in the handball court that we will pack and move to the Clarke. In 2014, my students and I, with help from the Museum staff and students, inventoried and boxed 190 cubic feet of Athletics' records, and then Facilities Management moved them to the Clarke. We have been processing that cache ever since. I planned and supervised all of that and yesterday's work. We are down to 21 cubic feet of the original 190 to process. It was winter when we worked there in 2014, so it was a lot more comfortable in the storage room. I always bring extra boxes because usually there ends up being more to pack and move than what we discussed in advance.  Below are the locked cabinets. We also learned that we stink at lock picking. It may take a crow bar to get those cabinets open if the lock smith doesn't have a key. In case you are wondering about all the other stuff in the pictures, it is either duplicates, materials not coming to the Clarke, or empty boxes. 


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