Ike & Tina Turner Revue poster

 Another awesome poster recently donated by Mike Van Houten of a band that played at CMU is one for the Ike & Tina Turner Revue! This poster includes an action shot of Tina during a performance. The band performed at Finch Fieldhouse on February 3, 1972. When I think of what Tina endured with Ike and the amazing performances she gave despite it, and how she reinvented herself, I really respect her. RIP Tina. The band is mentioned in two CMLife articles. "MU (Men's Union) presents 'Ike and Tina'", dated January 31, 1972, describes the band's history as an advertisement. Catfish is briefly described as a four man band from Ann Arbor, probably the opening act. "Ike and Tina Turner invite coed to attend tonite's Flint concert" article of February 11, 1972 describes how an engaged CMU coed from Greenville, Candi Hammond, could not afford to attend either the CMU or Flint concert. She told Ike this before the concert. He gave her his necklace to give to her boyfriend and two free passes so the couple could attend the Flint concert. Tina wrote her a note wishing them good luck. The band is listed as one of many bands which performed at CMU in the 1972 Chippewa yearbook.


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