October is archives month

 It's October and that means it's archives month. I wanted to highlight my students in the archives. 

Interns Halsey and Josh are the main muscle processing, merging, proofing, typing up the finding aid box and folder listings for  CMU. Athletics.  Last month with help from Anna, Rebekah and Blake we processed 36 cubic feet of materials, almost all Athletics! We are nearly done with Track and Field, 2 feet of Volleyball is done, and we have six feet of Wrestling and a few high school sports camps and all the sports teams folders will be done. That only leaves student and staff folders, publications, some images, and lots of miscellaneous at least another 50 cubic feet. We are seriously making headway. Also, Halsey and I reorganized 3 boxes of Aladdin order indexes and poor Halsey had to refolder and label them and will type them up. This is a great opportunity for them to get hands on experiential experience, mentoring, and helps the Clarke get collections processed and described. I am very grateful for my interns and all my students. 


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