JFK Presidential Library exhibit on the extreme use of images of Caroline and John, Jr. while living in the White House

I saw this link yesterday and found it very interesting. The exhibit at the JFK Presidential Library discusses the exterme public use of images Caroline and John, Jr. while they lived in the White House. Images of them were used for various purposes in all sorts of publications, advertising, and product endorsements. Also discussed is how JFK saw the advantage in using images of them to humanize him and his policies, and how Jackie sought to control their image, responding strongly when their images were used without permission. Some of the images we have seen, others we have not. Some images resemble those most of us have in family albums, others are those of the politicians. The video is well done and quite informative. I had no idea that there were games like Monopoly based on the Kennedy children. I've read about JFK and family and watched many a video, but do not recall hearing about the extreme consumerism surrounding images of his children. And since JFK died before I was born, I have no memories of this. See https://www.jfklibrary.org/visit-museum/exhibits/special-exhibits/first-children-caroline-and-john-jr-in-the-kennedy-white-house


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