
Here are some images from a 3-volume set of scrapbooks of a CMU student, Donna Maladecki Campbell, class of 1984, that we recently received. These are fantastic scrapbooks. They are both artistically compiled and provide indepth documentation of student life and Calkins Hall during the early 1980s. She also noted dates, places, and names, providing context. Too often scrapbooks lack sufficient information to provide context, which makes them less useful for researchers. During her 4 years spent living in Calkins Hall, Campbell documented the 25th or silver anniversary of Calkins Hall, multiple aspects of dorm and CMU life, performance events, trips, friends, several weddings, summer events, popular phrases of the day such as "Where's the beef?", her positive attitude, greeting and note cards, and some major international events, such as the wedding of Princess Diana and Prince Charles, the 14th Winter Olympics in Sarajevo, and tennis star John McEnroe. Campbell loved tennis and was very active in campus events and volunteer experiences. Here are a few examples of the pages she created.


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