Jimmy Lindback, archives processing volunteer

Hello, my name is Jimmy Lindback and I am currently enrolled in my final semester of grad school. I majored in history with a minor in museum studies and I am also currently volunteering at the Clarke Historical Library under the guidance of Marian. I was first introduced to Marian when I enrolled in her HST 583 course, which was a fascinating class that broadened my horizons within the archival/collections field. Spring 2022 is my first-time volunteering for Marian and so far, it has been an enlightening and intriguing experience. I am currently tasked with the processing and organizing of various Athletic manuscripts and publications. So far in my archival journey I learned the importance of proper handling and organizing as both elements are crucial when going through a collection of this magnitude. I have also encoded a finding aid, a skill that I hope to expand upon moving forward. Experience like this is extremely beneficial for me and my future career. Being a museum studies minor, I have always been interested in the collection's aspect of museums and archives. Being able to work hands-on with the archival materials has been a positive learning experience. Upon graduating I hope to find work within the museum/archival field. Today is Jimmy's last day volunteering in the archives. He has done a wonderful job procesing CMU Athletics and will be missed. Thank you for all your hard work Jimmy. I wish you a wonderful future.


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