Evelyn Calvo historic film processing volunteer

Hi! I’m Evelyn Calvo and I am graduating from Central Michigan University in the Spring of 2022. I will have a degree in Broadcast and Cinematic Arts, and a minor in Cinema Studies. I began working for Marian at the start of the Spring 2022 semester after seeing an email about the program from my advisor. I decided to look into the archival process as a way to fill a credit requirement. By the time I found out that I didn’t need to fill any requirements, I was already hooked. I decided to volunteer instead. I was tasked with going through processed 9&10 film and rectifying any errors or confusion. Right away I felt like a detective, and it was an honor to be able to watch and describe the amazing film. I learned how to splice film and work with the projector along with adapting to the categorization methods. Even though I never considered archiving to be part of my future, I have learned invaluable lessons about the history of Michigan, as well as the mechanics of film. It has changed how I look at the filmmaking process entirely and I will carry that with me as I start my career. I plan on working on nature documentaries for National Geographic and I am starting that journey this summer by working full time for an events company based in Los Angeles. I look forward to the day that I run into a splicer again. Thanks for everything Marian! Evelyn has done a fantastic job resolving questions we had about description and the occassional duplicated number and become a very adept processor, splicer, describer, and film project operator. I wish we had found Evelyn sooner. Good luck Evelyn. I wish you a wonderful future. Thank you for your good work. It's been a pleasure having you process film in the archives.


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