Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base, Columbus, Ohio - an interesting example of several things - in Channel 9&10 News film

Why are these images of Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base, Columbus, Ohio in Channel 9&10 News? We don't know. One of the signs documented in the film footage is for R-D/BAHCO an air pollution control system on the base in the 1970s. I'm guessing that some of the crew flew to the base and filmed there, but the facts are illusive. Trying to control air pollution was a big deal in the 1970s. The second to the last image shows a pumping smoke stacks and this is one of the few examples of animation in the collection. Lastly, the color dye in the film has deteriorated, so it appears as yellow and red with other colors faded out completely although originally it would have had many colors in it-blue, yellow, red, green, brown, flesh tones, etc.


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