Know a kid who loves dinosaurs, or a kid at heart?

Join the Smithsonian Libraries and Archives for our next Smithsonian 175th Film Fest program! Smithsonian 175th Film Fest: Fossils When: January 28th at 12 p.m. ET Registration: How are those massive dinosaur mounts created at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History? What if some of the bones are missing? How do new technologies assist fossil preparators in their work? On Friday, January 28, 2022, at 12 p.m. ET, join us for a screening of Putting Triceratops Together Again (2001). In the short videos in this series, the Museum's paleobiology staff discussed how they used 3D scanning to restore, maintain, and better understand Hatcher, the world's first skeletal mount of Triceratops to ever go on exhibit. Following the film, we'll sit down for a conversation with fossil preparator Steve Jabo, one of the stars of the 2001 series, preparator Michelle Pinsdorf, and FossiLab volunteer Peter Finkel. Audiences will hear about how the Museum's scientists learned more about the movements and behaviors of dinosaurs through 3D scanning and how that initial project informed the work that went into Deep Time, which opened in 2019. In exploring more about Deep Time, panelists will also discuss the functions of the FossiLab, where staff and volunteers prepare newly-collected fossils.


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