WDs and empty processing table


Finally having finished processing the Rose Traines collection, Mitchel's processing table is empty for the first time this term. We get so used to the tables being completely covered that it is quite a shock to see them empty. Meanwhile, the pile of this term's WDs,  material withdrawn during processing, continues to literally pile up. We have about 25 cubic feet so far this term. This includes mostly massive numbers of duplicates, some out-of-scope materials which I could not transfer, and some acidic materials which we copied. Many boxes of duplicate publications were recycled. We'll probably add a bit more to the pile before Mr. Shredder comes in mid-December. I am always so happy when he comes to take my WDs. The only time I'm happier is when I get new empty boxes! All archivists can relate to this. After that we vacuum and wipe down all the tables so we are neat and clean for next term. Next term I will have more students so look forward to bigger WD piles happening more often! 


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