SAA webcasts 20% off and digital certification development support

 SAA is offering discounted webcasts. SAA educational materials, workshops and webcasts are always very informative and well done. 

Save 20% online when you register for SAA webcasts by November 30 with code NOV21SAA1! Code is one-time use.

  • Appraisal for Arrangement and Description (A&D)
  • Archival Collections Management Systems (DAS)
  • Digital Preservation of Audio and Video: Fundamentals (DAS)
  • Disaster Planning (Management Track)
  • Rights and Confidentiality (A&D)
  • and many more!

See the full list of SAA webinars, here!

To add multiple courses, click the Add Registration button during your check out process.



DEI Webcasts for Archives Managers Available on Demand

If you need to take your knowledge of and commitment to DEI principles and practices to the next level, register for these sessions on DEI for archives managers! Don’t miss out!

These new, on-demand webcasts are funded by a grant from the SAA Foundation.



SAA’s Management Track

Hone your personnel, finance, facilities, and career management skills to advance in archives. Courses are available on-demand to fit your schedule.

These courses were made possible through a cooperative funding agreement with NHPRC.



Earn your DAS Certificate with Professional Development Support from DPOE-N.

Calling all would-be SAA Digital Archives Specialist certificate pursuers! Digital Preservation Outreach and Education Network (DPOE-N) is pleased to offer professional development support to cultural heritage professionals in the area of digital preservation. DPOE-N is particularly looking to support low-resourced institutions and individuals (emerging professionals and pandemic-impacted folks) help make the transition to stewarding digital materials. Consider applying to DPOE-N's professional development funding in order to pursue an SAA Digital Archives Specialist certification or to obtain a renewal of your existing certificate.  

DPOE was an initiative at the Library of Congress for many years, and in 2018 the project was moved to the Pratt Institute School of Information in collaboration with New York University’s Moving Image Archiving and Preservation graduate program. With the generous support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, for the past two years DPOE-N has been able to pursue building their network through the availability of microgrants to US citizens and permanent residents who support the stewardship of digital materials at institutions. Groups also supported include those who will one day make an impact on collecting institutions, including information workers laid off during the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as emerging professionals in information studies, museum studies and related fields, including recent graduates and those currently enrolled in masters- or certificate-level programs.

DPEO-N also offers funding for emergency hardware support to small archives, libraries and museums that are impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and have digital storage or related needs to ensure the persistence of digital information with enduring value, as well as workshops for cultural heritage professionals. Follow DPOE-N social media (Twitter / Instagram / Facebook) for the announcement of next workshop, coming up soon.


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