Rose Traines collection before and after processing

 This is how the Rose Traines' collection looked when it arrived in the Clarke in January 2020. Her family gathered up everything and so it had no order at all.

Later, we received an additional 18 cubic feet of material. We withdrew a large amount of material during rough initial processing of  duplicates, blank papers, reading materials, books and catalogs, newspapers, blank note cards, stationery, and writing pads, personal health information, and out of scope materials. We transferred a number of  her Indiana high school yearbooks and history books to institutions in Indiana, and a masonic fez and apron to the CMU Museum.  

Mitchel has been processing the remaining material since October. There were still a lot of duplicates in it. He has gotten it down to about 6 cubic feet of material, papers, photographic material, recordings from UMatic videocassettes to DVDs, and oversized posters, images, a scrapbook, a portable drafting case, and some clothing. It has been an interesting, complicated collection to process. He has a draft of the finding aid completed. This has been a huge project. About 81 cubic feet was withdrawn in total. Well done Mitchel!  His processing table is empty for the first time this term.


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