NEDCC's Crowdfunding for Preservation Program



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Crowdfunding for Preservation

Historic Climate Record Books - Funding Needed



The Blue Hill Observatory and Science Center in Milton, Massachusetts USA, has been awarded a prestigious Save America's Treasures (SAT) grant to preserve many of their historic climate resources. The grant is sponsored by the National Park Service and administered by the Institutue of Museum and Library Services.

In support of this project, the Observatory is seeking funds to fulfill the obligation to raise matching funds for their SAT grant to completely digitize, conserve, and properly store their remarkable hand-written climate record books, which date from 1885 to the 1950’s.  This grant requires a 1:1 match for the project.

Theses historic volumes contain irreplaceable information from the early decades of the Observatory’s climate record, the longest running, most homogenous climate record in North America.

The United Nations’ World Meteorological Organization has recognized Blue Hill Observatory as a Centennial Observing Station because of the long-duration and high quality of their climate record. With digitization through this SAT grant, researchers and scientists worldwide will be able to access of Blue Hill Observatory data, while limiting handling of their historical volumes, which will be housed in new custom archival boxes.

Please consider a donation - of any amount - to this vital conservation and digitization project, which will support climate science at a time when it is more important than ever. 

VISIT the Blue Hill Observatory and Science Center to read more about the history of these significant volumes, and to learn how you can help!

About NEDCC's Crowdfunding for Preservation Program

The Center's Crowdfunding for Preservation Program was created
as an additional vehicle to help our clients raise funds for their important conservation, digitization, and preservation work by spreading the word through our active E-News and social media channels.

Interested in Participating?

Learn More about NEDCC's Crowdfunding for Preservation.



NEDCC, 100 Brickstone Square, Andover, MA 01810-1494 • 978-470-1010 •

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100 Brickstone Square, Andover, MA 01810


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