MAC Symposium

Thrs and Fri of this week I am fortunate enough to attend the Symposium of the Midwest Archives Conference, my regional, professional organization.  I'm learning about all kinds of digital projects and outreach! 

Some of digital projects I saw are listed below. Some of you or your friends or relatives may find them interesting.

Bethel AME Indianapolis Virtual tour of the first African American church which is now owned by a hotel was digitally scanned and a website was made incorporating their history with primary sources and oral histories

Eight days in April: the story of the 1968 uprising in Kansas City, MO

African American heritage trail in Kansas City  a community informed, ongoing list of historic sites, some of which no longer exist, people, and events linked w GPS locations

Indianapolis Public Library Black history site website,vibrant%20and%20diverse%20Black%20population.

Kansas City Public library including Pendergast years and Civil War on the Western Border.

also the Black Archives of Mid-America webpage 


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