Available traveling exhibits

This topic of conversation arose last week so I thought I'd share it in my blog. The Clarke has a number of traveling exhibits that are available  to be borrowed generally without direct cost. The borrower is responsible for pick up and return, insurance, and proper preservation and security. Why consider using them? They are helpful if your exhibit budget is reduced or zero, if you need additional materials to support a theme or event, or suddenly the exhibit you had planned is no longer possible, maybe you find this out shortly before opening night.  Traveling exhibit topics that the Clarke has include: Native Treaties - shared rights; Ernest Hemingway's years in Michigan; the History of Michigan newspapers; the History of photography; and 19th c. Native American images created by J.O. Lewis. For more information see:  https://www.cmich.edu/library/clarke/PublicPrograms/Current_Exhibit/Pages/Traveling.aspx 


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