boxing and moving School of Music recordings into Clarke

On Fri 10/22/2021 in the afternoon my students Mitchel and Larissa and I boxed and moved 37 cu.ft. of School of Music (SOM) recordings from what was once the Music Resource Center.  I forgot to do a before photo  until we had boxed 4 shelves. 
Larissa had to leave about 1/2 way through, but here is Mitchel after we finished boxing.

Above you see 5 archives carts full of boxes of recordings. This will be added to the earlier collection of SOM recordings already processed and described in the Clarke. Between Honors and SOM we had quite a workout Friday.


  1. When I first started attending Central Michigan in 1990, the Art Gallery (then known as the UC Annex) hosted music recitals. My first job on campus was to set up microphones and cassette decks and record those recitals onto compact cassette. I wonder if any of those recordings exist in this collection?...


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