Boxing and moving Honors Organizational records into the Clarke


On Friday 10/22/21 my students and I boxed and moved nearly 70 cubic feet of materials. First, in the morning, with help from Kristal in Honors (see above in CMU shirt), my students (left to right) Mitchel, Katie and Larissa and I (looking like a shark in the above photo) boxed and moved  about 30 cubic feet of the CMU Honors Program's Organizational records into the Clarke. Kristal let us fill her truck and helped us box, load and unload. She was so helpful! Without her truck we would have had to make multiple trips with my car, so this was much more efficient. We spent two solid hours boxing and  lifting heavy boxes. Everyone gave a great effort, which I appreciate so much. Honor's history will be inventoried, processed and described.  We all had an excellent work out. I'm so glad it didn't rain.  Archives rock! For part two of our big Friday, read tomorrow's blog entry.


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