fall term approaches

As fall term approaches, many changes continue with policies and buildings, some of which are due to COVID-19, some not. Here are some building renovation projects on campus. I wonder how many of these projects will be completed in the next week?

The big windows in Finch were removed. They still haven't been replaced. Honestly, even the windows being removed is an aesthetic improvement.

Java City in the library building is either being updated or wrapped to protect it from damage while the doors around it are updated. I think the bathrooms are being updated as a place to shelter in case of emergencies.

In the UC the food court is under renovation (again) and will open later in the term. What was once the Burrito Bowl, and has been repeatedly remodeled since I was hired, is becoming Your Style. It is not yet open, but it looks like it will be soon. It was closed all summer. Except for Star Bucks it will probably be the only place in the UC where you can get food when the term starts. 

Other changes over the summer in the UC include ditching maroon colored comfy chairs for gray ones, which are probably cheaper to replace, and new branding everywhere. The CMU fountain is again operational with new C tile branding.


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