Summer 2021 Digital archives intern Natalie K


My interns are wrapping up their summer work. Here's a blog from Natalie Kaczmarek.

Hello, my name is Natalie, and I am just finishing my senior year at Central Michigan University. I am studying Public History and Museum Studies. My goal after attaining my degree is to work in an Archives. I currently plan to take a year off and then go back to school. I have been a digital intern at the Clarke Historical Library under the supervision of Marian. During this internship, I learned how to HTML code, type film descriptions, and create, edit, and encode finding aids. As my internship was done entirely online, I missed working physically with the collections. However, I am confident that when I return to school, I will be able to gain the necessary experience. By having my internship be entirely digital, I have found that I will be able to adapt to any situation that arises, especially another pandemic. During my internship, I also learned good time management skills and to work on my own initiative. This will help me in the “real-world” by demonstrating that I can work independently, meet deadlines, as well as stay on track. The collections I worked with include the Floyd Dain Diaries, 9&10 News film finding aid, the CMU Athletics Collection, and I reviewed the EAD finding aids with topics on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. I thoroughly enjoyed myself during this internship; Marian is a delight to work for. She has successfully swayed my decision to work in an Archives rather than a museum.

Great job Natalie!


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