Ruth Ann Sweeney Van Erp

Above are Ruth's 1961 commencement tassel, program, invitation and CMU directional materials. 

I am processing 2 folders of the materials of CMU student Ruth Ann Sweeney, later Van Erp, (1939-1999) who attended CMU, 1957-1961. Ruth was from Ubly, Michigan. She received a scholarship, and studied Home Economics, becoming president of the CMU Home Economics Club in 1960 and attended a national meeting as part of her duties. In her collection there are many cards and forms used to register for classes, receipts, official and personal letters and notices, some of which are familiar to today's students, and others which are obsolete or their formats have changed from paper to digital. Ruth also received a 1957 CMU Etiquette Book on proper behavior of  male and female students. While at CMU she lived in Larzelere hall. This is very typical female student collection for 1950s-mid-1960s. Ruth later married and had two daughters and two sons. Her obituary recalls that she was "an inspiration to all who knew her...she was a seamstress for many weddings and special occasions ..., and taught many things to many people." She used what she learned at CMU to help others for the rest of her life. I love contributing to the historical preservation and sharing the knowledge of people, especially women, who made a positive difference.

Here is her CMU student ID card with her birthdate and punch holes in it, and various receipts and forms. 

Above is a  1961 article with an image of Ruth and 2 dance cards. The 1959 dance card is purple and the 1961 is pink. The 1961 still has its miniature pencil attached. Men would write their names in a ladies dance book so they would be assured of a chance to dance with the lady, or a person could write a commemorative note or leave their address.

In the back of the purple 1959 dance card Ruth wrote a description  of her dress, white gingham which she wore with blue shoes, and noted what a wonderful time she had. The remaining part of her ticket is included. In the 1961 dance card is the name of a man who danced with her.

Here are the introductory pages of both dance cards. Honored guests at both were CMU faculty and administrators. 


Ruth also attended the Baccalaureate mass held at CMU's St. Mary's Catholic Student Chapel. Here's a note from her friend who may also have attended it. These last materials measure 5x4 inches.


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