MAA virtual meeting June 21-22, 2021 offers disaster preparedness and management workshop

The Michigan Archival Association (MAA) Virtual Annual Meeting, will be held on June 21-22, 2021! For students, new graduates, established archivists, or those who are interested in anything archival, MAA is small, friendly, and a wonderful organization in which to learn and network. This year's disaster preparedness and management workshop is an excellent idea considering our year of COVID and that all archivists and librarians eventually experience disasters at work. The photo documents a stinkbug infestation in archival collections I survived. You need to prepared for disasters.

For a $20 registration fee, "this year MAA offers an impressive list of informational and educational programs...including: audiovisual preservation and exhibits on a budget, digital collection building through regional partnerships, archives advocacy, invisible labor in specialized collections, outreach, teaching with primary sources, systems for libraries and archives, confronting racially insensitive archival materials and artifacts, and a disaster preparedness and management workshop! The business meeting is free to MAA members and access to the sessions will be provided once the conference has concluded."

To register click 

(Most of this information is from a MAA email I received to register for the meeting.)


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