air filters

I now have a huge, digital air filter with multiple settings and two very large filters for my processing room, so I no longer need my small room air filters. You can see its size compared to my recycle bin. This will help purify the air  when libraries employees are all back in the building five days a week by July 5th. Since I often have many students in the space, and there are no barriers between them, and my office door is almost always open to them, this will keep us all healthier. My smaller air filters (below) are 20 years old, but still work great. They turn on and off and have a high, low or medium setting. The red card on the cart is 8.5x11inches, so you can understand their size. We used them whenever my students and I processed collections that smelled from mold, mildew, were full of hay, dust, pollen, or other substances, so we didn't all start having allergic reactions. We've been grateful for them over the years. I will offer them to other Clarke staff who can use them. We bought refill filters at the time so they can still function well in the future. 


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