MAA call for poster presentations, apply for scholarships

Several of my students have presented or won scholarships over the years. Here's Cassie on the left, 2018.
The Michigan Archival Association Program Committee is currently seeking poster proposals for MAA’s 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting! This year the Annual Meeting will be held Monday-Tuesday, June 21-22, 2021, Virtually! See the linked flyer below for details!

To submit a proposal, please fill out the MAA Poster Proposal Form by April 30th, 2021. 

Any questions can be directed to Elizabeth Nicholson ( or Elisa Landaverde (

Please feel free to distribute to all interested parties.

For more details: MAA 2021 Call for Posters.pdf

Announcement: 2021 Marilyn McNitt Memorial Scholarships

As circumstances have changed this year, so must our memorial scholarships.

Usually, the Marilyn McNitt Memorial Scholarships fund the recipients' attendance and travel expenses at the Michigan Archival Association Annual Meeting. As we are virtual this year, each scholarship will change as follows:

1) For the Memorial Student recipient, they will still receive free conference registration and a one year membership, but the $250 travel stipend they also receive will go towards an educational use (or uses) of their choosing.

2) For the Memorial Diversity recipient, they will still receive free conference registration and a one year membership, but the $250 travel stipend they also receive will go directly to them to use as they see fit.

Both scholarship winners will still be invited to write an article for the MAA newsletter, Open Entry, about their conference experiences.

To apply for The Marilyn McNitt Memorial Student Scholarship, which is open to graduate students in an archival science program or related field, please submit a completed application form (MS Word .docx format) and application statement to Marian Matyn at The deadline for applications is Friday, April 30, 2021.

To apply for The Marilyn McNitt Memorial Diversity Scholarship, which is open to underrepresented communities (sex, race, ethnicity, and national origin, ability, sexual orientation, and gender identity) who work in the archival or special collections field, please submit a completed application form to Marian Matyn at The deadline for applications is Friday, April 30, 2021.


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